middle work meaning in English
- ( 3 ) to administrators , dimensions in theoretical model were better than real model . ( 4 ) different samples had different assessments . administrator ' s self assessment was higher than assistant administrators ' ; general office was higher than technical office ; low education samples were higher than high education samples ; samples with short and long work time ( 1 - 10 years and more than 16 years ) were higher than those of middle work time ( 11 - 15 years )
处级干部自我评价比处级以下干部的评价高:综合处室干部比专业处室干部的评价高;文化程度越低,对处级干部的评价越高:工作时间短( 1 ? 10年)与工作时间长( 16年以上)比工作时间中等( 11 ? 15年)的人员评价高。